first attempt with a contact sheet. considering composition, we experimented with aperture and composition of still life objects. on some of these photos I have taken I moved the skull a lot further away from the clock and made the clock become out of focus which I thought had a great effect. I liked experimenting with cameras because there are so many different ways to take a photo and just by changing the composition and aperture the image can become a lot better.


experimenting with shutter speed by taking photos as an object moves. We experimented with shutter speed and light. by making the shutter speed to 30s, we could move around glow sticks in front of the composition we created and it would produce a colourful image like the above.

these photos have been edited in photoshop. we experimented with hue and saturation, layering and filter effects. the first image, i selected areas and change the hue and saturation so the colors would have more contrast and be a lot brighter. the second image i used a filter to edit the image. i liked the bold dark color effect it had on the clock. i also changed the hue and saturation of the ice cream cone to add more color and contrast. the third image i copied the same image and layered it on top. i moved the top layer and it made the image look blurry. 

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