For the still life project we thought about composition and what depth objects would make creating a plaster cast. The process of producing a plaster cast is to roll out clay then place and press the chosen objects into the clay and then sliding them out. Once the objects have been pressed into the clay and have left indents you can make the plaster mixture. Before the next process you need to put a tub with the bottom cut off and place this around your clay so that the liquid can't escape. By adding water and plaster powder together with your hands till the right consistency, this will create the plaster that can be poured into the tub and left to dry and stiffen. By placing a bent piece of metal into the shape of a hook in the plaster this will allow the cast to be hung up on a wall. Once 24 hours have passed the plaster cast will be completely dry and you can sand down the edges to make them smooth and you should have the objects you placed in the clay reversed and now 3D on the cast.

I found doing the plaster cast process interesting because the objects I used in my plaster cast left different textures. also some of the objects have turned out more detailed then I thought. most of the objects I used were made of metal because I thought these wouldn't get ruined by the plaster. I did use a rubber in the shape of a dinosaur which didn't turn out as well as I wanted it too. overall I really like my plaster cast because of the textures and shapes. next time I do a plaster cast ill choose different objects and experiment with different shapes to see what creates better textures.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool, Rachel! You have some great shapes and textures. Have you done any more plaster casts? Thanks for sharing this. :-)
