in graphics for the still life project we researched an artist and found a painting that we want to re-create. we then looked on the internet for each object that has been painted in the painting. for me i chose the artist Paul Cezanne and his painting includes various fruit, skull, cloth, table and a dark background. i found all these objects on google images and tried to find images that were similar, then saved these so i was ready to photoshop.

this is the pairing i have chosen to re create and there are a range of different objects for me to photoshop.

these are just a few of the images i will be photoshopping to re-create paul cezanne's painting. 

i have opened up one of the objects i need to photoshop but to make the file smaller and as there are white areas that i don't need i shall crop the image. 

by then selecting the cropping tool i made the box smaller around the lemon to crop and resize the image.
i didn't have to select the object that i wanted to edit as there is only one object in the image and i want to edit it whole so by just going to adjustments and going on hue and saturation i can edit the hue, saturation and brightness. 
i used the magnetic lasso tool to select the whole pear then went into filter gallery to experiment with the filters. 
I've used the magnetic lasso tool as i think this is the best way to select the object because it is 10 times easier. so i whizzed around with the tool and then selected inverse so i could make the background transparent. 
have of this pear has a filter of brush strokes and the other i have used the art history tool. the art history tool is like a brush that blends the colors of the image and makes them have a smudged appearance. 

this is close to the finished re creation. in my opinion this doesn't look anything like the actual painting I'm supposed to be recreating. if you look at the right you can see there are different layers. i did this by opening a new layer and copied and pasted the object i wanted and then it became a new layer.
when it came to choosing a painting by a still life artist, I researched Paul Cezanne. looking at Cezanne's work, his paintings were the exact image I had had in my head as a stereotypical painter. the painting I chose to recreate was 'still life with skull' which dates back to 1898 in the style of post impressionism. I chose to use this painting to recreate in Photoshop because of the contrast in colors and I thought it would be interesting to find each individual object and practice editing them to look similar to the painting. I started off editing the skull then went on to the fruit, table, cloth and then lastly the background. I found creating the background was rather hard to do, this was because I was unsure of what the background was of. first off I searched for dark grounds on Google images and all it came up with was black backgrounds with patterns and this was definitely not what I was looking for. I went back to the original background and noticed that there were dark leaves so I searched for dark leaves and it came up with the background that you can see on the image above on the close to completion screenshot. I thought that this was not close enough to the original background so used the paintbrush tool and lowered the opacity and painted in colors I could see in the background. to be honest I don't think that the background had turned out as well as I thought it would because it doesn't look like it had be painted and looked to edited and not to a good quality. although this was my first experience with using Photoshop in this way to edit ad re construct a painting, I think I haven't done too bad considering my skills with Photoshop are not amazing yet. if I was to try and re construct this painting or another painting again I think I shall just work on one are of the painting and not work on it as a whole. this so I can spend more time on editing the area to a good standard.

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